SBOM Observer Support

Welcome to the SBOM Observer Support! We're here to help ensure that your experience with our software is seamless and efficient. Feel free to reach out to us for assistance or other inquiries.


The documentation section in SBOM Observer Academy

Learning section

The learning section in SBOM Observer Academy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is SBOM Observer?
SBOM Observer is a software solution designed to help organizations track and manage their software bill of materials (SBOM), ensuring compliance, security, and efficient software component management. Learn more

2. How do I get started with SBOM Observer?
Start by creating an account. Once you're set up, you can navigate to the dashboard where you can begin to input and manage your SBOMs. Learn more how to get started and the features in SBOM Observer.

3. Can I integrate SBOM Observer with other tools such as my CI/CD pipeline?
Yes, SBOM Observer with more or less all CI/CD pipelines. Check our Integration Guide for more details.


Need help getting started or looking for documentation on specific features? Take a look in our User Guides & Tutorials below as a starting point. If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact us.

Contact Us

Live Chat: Click on the chat icon at the bottom right of your screen to start a conversation with our support team.

Email Support: Reach out to us at

We're committed to supporting your journey with our platform and ensuring your success. If there's any way we can assist further, please don't hesitate to reach out!


We value your insights and experiences with SBOM Observer! Your feedback drives our continuous improvement and helps tailor our product to better meet your needs.

Share Your Story. Tell us how SBOM Observer has made a difference in your work. Which challenges has it helped you overcome, and what successes have you achieved using our product?

Suggestions and Feature Requests. What can we do better? Are there features you’d like to see added or improvements to existing ones? Your input is crucial in shaping the future of SBOM Observer.

Provide Your Feedback Email us directly at to share your thoughts.

Thank you for helping us improve SBOM Observer and ensuring it continues to serve you effectively. Your feedback is invaluable to us! 🙏