
Compatibility - Ecosystems, Containers and SBOM Formats

Ensuring that your tools and solutions work seamlessly with your existing tech stack is paramount. This compatibility documentation is designed to provide clarity about which programming languages, containers, and SBOM formats are natively supported by the SBOM Observer.

By understanding these compatibilities, you can seamlessly integrate our offerings into your development and deployment workflow, ensuring that your software supply chain remains both robust and agile.

Supported Programming Languages and Ecosystems

The programming languages supported by the SBOM Observer.

GoGo packages
Node.js (JavaScript/TypeScript)npm
PythonPyPi, Pip

Operating Systems Compatibility

OSSupported Versions
Alpine Linux2.2 - 2.7, 3.0 - 3.18, edge
AlmaLinux8, 9
Amazon Linux1, 2, 2023
CentOS6, 7, 8
CBL-Mariner1.0, 2.0
Debian GNU/Linux7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
openSUSE Leap42, 15
Oracle Linux5, 6, 7, 8
Photon OS1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0
Red Hat Enterprise Linux6, 7, 8
Rocky Linux8, 9
SUSE Enterprise Linux11, 12, 15
UbuntuAll versions supported by Canonical
Wolfi Linux(n/a)

Supported SBOM Formats

Below is a list of supported SBOM Formats.

SBOM standardFormatsVersionMore information
CycloneDXJSON, XMLUp to 1.6Learn more
SPDXJSON, YAML, RDF (RDF/XML), tag:value (flat text file)2.1 - 2.3Learn more

Supported Attestation Types

SBOM Observer supports the types of attestations:

Attestation TypeDescription
SBOMSoftware Bill of Materials – A comprehensive inventory of software components.
HBOMHardware Bill of Materials – A detailed list of hardware components and their dependencies.
CBOMComponent Bill of Materials – A detailed inventory of individual software components, including their dependencies and configuration details.
CycloneDX VEXA vulnerability exchange format based on the CycloneDX standard, enabling the automated sharing of vulnerability information.
OpenVEXAn open standard for vulnerability exchange that facilitates the communication of vulnerability data and remediation guidance.
SLSASupply chain Levels for Software Artifacts – A security framework outlining best practices to secure the software supply chain and verify the integrity of software artifacts. Observer supports SLSA Package Provenance
What is SBOM Observer?