Step 8: Sharing SBOMs with Customers and Regulatory Entities

Sharing of Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs) with customers and regulatory entities has emerged as a vital step that not only fosters transparency and trust but also ensures adherence to evolving compliance and regulatory standards. This chapter explores the nuances of sharing SBOMs and the strategic advantages it offers in reinforcing security postures while navigating regulatory landscapes.

Enhancing Transparency and Trust with Your Customers

Building a Foundation of Trust

Sharing SBOMs with customers demonstrates a commitment to transparency and security, establishing a foundation of trust. Customers are increasingly aware of the risks associated with software vulnerabilities and seek assurance that the products they use are being actively managed for security risks. By providing SBOMs, organizations offer a clear view into the components that make up their software, including any known vulnerabilities and the measures taken to address them.

Strategic Benefits of SBOM Sharing

  1. Competitive Advantage: In a market where security is a significant differentiator, the open sharing of SBOMs can set an organization apart, signaling a proactive approach to cybersecurity.

  2. Customer Empowerment: By having access to SBOMs, customers can better understand the security of the products they use and make informed decisions regarding their own risk management practices.

  3. Facilitation of Security Collaboration: SBOMs can serve as a basis for collaborative security efforts, enabling customers to work with vendors in identifying and mitigating potential vulnerabilities.

The Evolving Regulatory Landscape

As the digital ecosystem grows, so does the regulatory emphasis on software security and transparency. Various jurisdictions are introducing regulations that require the disclosure of software components, making SBOMs an essential element of compliance strategies.

Meeting Compliance with SBOMs

  1. Understanding Regulatory Requirements: Organizations must stay informed about the regulatory requirements relevant to their industry and region, including any mandates for SBOM sharing.

  2. SBOMs as Compliance Tools: By maintaining comprehensive and up-to-date SBOMs, organizations can streamline their compliance processes, ensuring that they meet the necessary disclosure requirements.

  3. Leveraging SBOM Observer for Compliance: The SBOM Observer can facilitate compliance by automating the generation and updating of SBOMs. Its integration with regulatory standards ensures that SBOMs are produced in formats that meet regulatory expectations, simplifying the compliance journey.

EU‘s Cyber Resilience Act states that for your product an SBOM:

  • Has to be maintained and used internally for vulnerability management
  • Does not have to be published
  • Has to be conveyed to the market surveillance authority on their request

For more information on respective Cybersecurity directive see below.

TermFull NameDetails
EO 14028Executive Order 14028: Improving the Nation's CybersecurityLearn more
NIS2 DirectiveRevised Directive on Security of Network and Information SystemsLearn more
SEC Cyber RulesU.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's Cybersecurity GuidelinesLearn more
Cyber Resilience ActCyber Resilience ActLearn more
DORADigital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) - Regulation (EU) 2022/2554Learn more
CERCritical Entities Resilience DirectiveLearn more

Keep your stakeholders updated with SBOM Observer

SBOM Observer significantly streamlines the process of keeping vendors and regulatory bodies informed through its subscription-based notification system. Whenever an organization publishes a new or updated SBOM within SBOM Observer, subscribed stakeholders—including vendors, customers, and regulatory entities—are automatically notified. This feature ensures that all relevant parties are consistently up-to-date with the latest software component information without the need for manual exchanges.

Need Some Help? Let's Discuss Your Use Case

Securing the software supply chain is crucial, yet understanding the best approach can be challenging. We're here to provide the assistance and guidance you need.

Contact us to discuss your specific use case and discover how we can support your journey towards a more secure software supply chain.